Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Virtual reading of Take the Lead, my fourth novel

Here is a video of a reading I did for my fourth book, Take the Lead, as part of a monthly Boston writers' series called "Writing on the Dot" which is organized by the University of Massachusetts-Boston MFA creative writing program. (DOT is short for Dorchester, the Boston neighborhood where the school is located and where I lived for 8 years.)

This was my last reading in Boston last month before I moved back to Miami Beach for a new job.
At the 4:15 minute mark, you'll hear a dramatic crashing of glasses. But no worries, the waitress survived and I managed to segue-way back into my reading.

A big thank you again to Aaron Devine for inviting me to read in your series.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, nice segue!

    Do you ever get nervous reading in front of a live audience?

    Book readings are a great way to hear how the author intended for a scene to be read.

