Wednesday, September 1, 2021

From the Heart, One Year Later

It’s been a year since I had my open ❤️ surgery to remove an aortic aneurysm. It’s been a l-o-n-g emotional and physical journey, with some ups and downs. I'm happy to report that the scar is fading. It's almost gone. I am healing and overall, I am thankful 🙏🏻.

The top photo is of me now. I gained some color (and a little weight.) The second photo was taken a few days after surgery last year. I looked pretty pale and felt awful from the chest pain and limited mobility. I tried to recreate the shot. It’s the same Old Navy shirt and wall background.

Here is my New York Times article that I wrote about the journey that led to the surgery and my immediate recovery.

And here are my previous blog entries in order (From the Heart, More From the Heart and From the Heart, Part 3.)


  1. Hi Johnny, so happy to see how much you have recovered. I will always consider our friendship meaningful.
    Brendan (Boston)

    1. Thank you Brendan! Feel free to email me:

  2. Hi Johnny, so glad to see that you made such a speedy recovery, although I’m sure it wasn’t easy. I will always consider our friendship meaningful.
    Take care.
    Brendan (Boston)
